Thursday, June 10, 2010

Santa Domingo de Caldez

We are in a bar about 6 km from Santa Domingo. We have had some slow going but seem to be doing ok now. The countryside is still gorgeous. We walked today through mostly rolling land that is almost all cultivated with wheat, barley, beets and grapes. Near villages we see well tended gardens with potatoes and fruit trees.
Yesterday we were in Najera, where it was a regional fiesta day. The big event was the regional championships for bull fighting. Najera is squeezed between an impressive cliff face and the river egro. The church in Najera is built into the cliff and has survived intact for many centuries. It is impressive. I am sure there are photos on the internet if you are interested. I did not take any in the church as I am sure there are better than I could do. We slept in a large room last night with about 60 people. If we were not so tired by the end of the day, it would have been impossible to sleep. But we did just fine.
We will have completed 190 kilometers by the end of the day, about 120 miles. It is hard work but still nice to do.
We usually find a menu de perigrino, a menu of the day served at 7 pm for the pilgrims. (Dinner in Spain starts about 9 pm, 10 pm in large cities.) The menu of the day includes a starter course with salad spagetti or soup, then the main course is meat of various sorts and then dessert. It includes wine or water and bread. They generally taste pretty good and will fill up a hungry Pilgrim.
I wish I could describe the fourty colors of green in the fields along our path. The sun shines down through the clouds and spotlights different places as we walk along. Randy is having a great time. There are so many people for him to talk to. I have found that iƱ some of the villages they have a backpack service to transport your backpack to the next stop on the trip. Now the question was, am I a purest and wish to carry my pack or do I use the service. No contest, I am supporting the local economy. This trip is supposed to be fun. I feel so free without the pack.
I am getting into the spirit of the walk. Without seeing any Tv or news, the stress level goes way down and I have the time to contemplate life in general. At this point it seem to be pretty satisfactory. Thank goodness for our Alpine poles. They make walking so much easier especially in the rougher parts. Most everyone uses them and now I can see why.

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